Today workplace professionals spend up to 50% of their waking hours at work. In recent years technology has brought significant behavioral shift into the workplace, and it has now become much more than ‘just’ a place to work – it’s a place where we action many aspects of our personal lives, such as researching and buying products & services.
The workplace is at the epicenter of the customer journey and this presents brand owners with an important opportunity to capitalize on the latest generation of collaborative work environments. According to a recent workplace study of 1,500 workplace professionals in London, Paris and Germany conducted by ECN, over 90% of European workplace professionals search, research and/or buy online for themselves while in their workplace.
Our research has also found that the purchase preferences and decisions of over 69% of professionals are shaped by their work colleagues’ brand experiences – especially when it comes to experiential purchases, such as entertainment, restaurants, nightlife, luxury and holidays. This unique kind of social interaction and influence is prevalent only in the modern workplace due to the habitual nature of work.
The combination of technology, social influence and wellbeing has transformed the physical work environment into something bigger: a unique and powerful environment in which work colleagues are our most trusted reviewers and our workplace, is a real-world social network in which personal and brand experiences are freely shared.
ECN’s digital screen network covers more than 160 workplace locations in the UK and over 430 across Europe, offering global and local brands the opportunity to engage with and influence an affluent audience in an environment which forms a crucial part of their everyday lives.